For researchers

Academic Consulting

As part of their job, researchers who are commissioned by a company or other entity provide guidance and advice based on their education, research and specialist technical expertise, and provide support for the work and activities of the consignor.
This system means that providing academic technical guidance and advice is university work, not a side job, and so can be carried out during working hours.
The consulting fee from the company or other entity can be allocated for use in the budget of the faculty and administrative staff, once the expenses for the promotion of industry-university collaborations (indirect expenses) have been deducted.

If You Receive an Application from a Company

Please coordinate with the company and make adjustments regarding the costs required to carry out the academic consulting. The costs required for academic consulting are itemized below.

Academic Consulting Fee

Academic consulting fee = guidance fee + required costs + expenses for the promotion of industry-university collaborations * The expenses for the promotion of industry-university collaborations should be calculated as (guidance fee + required costs)×10% or more.

Guidance Fee

Please decide the guidance fee in discussions with the company. (No upper limit is set, but a rough guideline is around 20,000 yen per hour. The guidance fee is more expensive in cases where the expertise being provided contains matters of high value.)

Required Costs

These are the cost of things such as equipment, consumables and travel expenses required to carry out the academic consulting.

Formats and Regulations


Click here for formats such as agreement forms


Academic Consulting Regulations

Inquiries about Academic Consulting

Please consult the One-stop Contact Point shown below.

One-stop Contact Point