For Researchers

Tangible Research and Development Results

When providing tangible research and development results to external organizations

  • [Step 1] Submit documents to the Institute for the Promotion of Business-Regional Cooperation

    Submit a Notification Form for the Provision etc of Tangible Research and Development Results and Check Sheet for the Provision of Tangible Research and Development Results to the Institute for the Promotion of Business-Regional Collaboration.

    * How to submit documents

    • Printed documents should be submitted via the campus mail system: Campus Mail No. 56
      and addressed to The Tangible Research and Development Results Desk, Institute for the Promotion of Business-Regional Cooperation.
    • Electronic data should be submitted as an email attachment: @
      and addressed to The Tangible Research and Development Results Desk, Institute for the Promotion of Business-Regional Coollaboration.
  • [Step 2] The contents of the notification form and check sheet are checked at the Institute for the Promotion of Business-Regional Collaboration.

    In some cases it may be necessary for each faculty or school involved to carry out additional procedures.
    (For example, when material corresponding to living modified organisms or the like is provided.)

  • [Step 3] A letter of intent regarding the transfer of tangible research and development results is concluded between HU and the recipient.

    (This letter of intent is known as an MTA, or Material Transfer Agreement.)

    When tangible research and development results are provided free of charge: Each faculty or school carries out the procedure to conclude an MTA. The dean will represent their faculty or school in the MTA.
    When tangible research and development results are provided for a fee: The Institute for the Promotion of Business-Regional Collaboration carries out the procedure to conclude an MTA. The president will represent the university in the MTA.

    * Provision compensation

    When tangible research and development results are provided for a fee, the revenue is divided between the creator, the laboratory and the university, in accordance with the Tangible Research and Development Results Handling Regulations.
    Ex.: If tangible research and development results were provided for a fee of 2 million yen (cost price of creation: 1 million yen. Value of intellectual property (profit): 1 million yen)

    → The cost price (minus labor costs) is allotted to the laboratory.
    → Of the 1 million yen profit, 50% is allotted to the individual creator, 20% to the laboratory and 30% to the university main office.
  • [Step 4] Once the MTA has been concluded, the tangible research and development results are forwarded to the recipient.

    Please comply with the content of the MTA. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

When accepting tangible research and development results from external organizations

  • [Step 1] Submit documents to the faculty or school

    Submit a Notification Form for the Acceptance of Tangible Research and Development Results and Check Sheet for the Acceptance of Tangible Research and Development Results to the administrative staff of your faculty or school.

    * Please follow the instructions of the faculty or school administrative

  • [Step 2] The contents of the notification form and check sheet are checked by the faculty or school.

    In some cases it may be necessary for each faculty or school involved to carry out additional procedures.
    (For example, when material corresponding to living modified organisms or the like is provided.)

    The Institute for the Promotion of Business-Regional Cooperation will provide advice etc. upon request.

  • [Step 3] A letter of intent regarding the transfer of tangible research and development results is concluded between the provider and HU.

    (This letter of intent is known as an MTA, or Material Transfer Agreement.)

    When tangible research and development results are accepted, each faculty or school carries out the procedure to conclude the MTA. The dean will represent their faculty or school in the MTA.
    The Institute for the Promotion of Business-Regional Cooperation will provide advice etc. upon request.

    * MTAs with the entities listed below are acceptable.
    Conclude MTAs with them without obtaining confirmation from the Institute for the Promotion of Business-Regional Cooperation. (Manual P.18, 19 )

    • addgene
    • Riken BioResource Research Center
    • The Jackson Laboratory
  • [Step 4] Once the MTA has been concluded, the tangible research and development results are accepted.

    Please comply with the content of the MTA. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

Inquiries about tangible research and development results

If you have any questions about the Tangible Research and Development , please contact us using the form below.

Contact Us (Tangible Research and Development Results)