
Hokkaido University Policy on Government-Industry-Academia Collaborations

In addition to our basic missions of education and research, Hokkaido University identifies our “third mission” as the integration of research findings into society. Accordingly, we have formulated the following policy on government-industry-academia collaborations.

  1. In accordance with our basic principles and long-term goals, Hokkaido University will conduct creative research ranging from basic research with a long-term perspective to applied research that responds to social needs and will actively integrate the findings of that research into society.
  2. As the world enters the “age of knowledge,” we will engage in diverse collaborations in Japan and overseas, including Collaborative research and commissioned research, and will strive to put our knowledge to practical use.
  3. We will contribute to the creation of new industries by developing creative research environments that produce new technologies and industries.
  4. We will respect each party’s intellectual property (IP) in our collaborations and utilize it to stimulate education and academic research.
  5. We will contribute to the growth of regional society by making active efforts to utilize local knowledge and engaging in industry-academia-government collaborations that are firmly rooted in Hokkaido.
  6. We will enhance our IP management system so that the gains from the integration of research findings into society are reflected in the improved quality of our education and research.
  7. In order to promote the sound development of industry-academia-government collaborations, our teaching and administrative staff will comply with our Conflict of Interest Management Policy and engage in impartial and harmonious collaborations whilst remaining accountable to society.