
Industry creation laboratories

Industry creation laboratories

Industry creation laboratories(laboratories and departments) are a system that was launched in April 2014 to facilitate large-scale inter-organizational collaborative research between Hokkaido University and company.

Requirements for Establishment

  1. Both HU and the company share the ideals of the industry creation organization
    • They intend to carry out large inter-organizational collaborative research
    • They respect their equal partnership
    • They have a shared mission and goals
  2. The company sets up a laboratory at HU (the minimum requirement is for two years) and carries out joint research
  3. Human resources are provided by both the company and HU
    • A research manager from the company and a research manager from HU (a member of the faculty or administrative staff) collaborate to create a collaborative research system
  4. A detailed plan exists of the new industry they are aiming to create

Name of the Department

Industry creation laboratories can be named to clearly state the nature of the research and the private sector research institute.


The organization must be composed of at least one person each from HU and the company, who satisfy the conditions shown below.

From HU

  • A specialized member of the faculty or administrative staff who concurrently carries out work for the industry creation research organization

From the company

  • Someone who has been hired by HU as a specially appointed employee (specially appointed professor, specially appointed associate professor, or specially appointed assistant professor), or
  • someone who is recognized by HU as an invited teacher

* Institute for the Promotion of Industry, University, and Regional Cooperation managers and other staff will provide support for setting up an industry creation research organization, and while it is up and running.