
System to Confer Designation as a Startup Launched at HU

The system to designate startups launched at HU was established for the university to support startups that were launched for the social implementation of HU research findings. (* Regulations revised in 2021)

Companies that will develop and grow along with HU as part of the university ecosystem are eligible to apply.

There are a number of conditions to be met. Once the application has passed a screening, it will be issued with the official designation. Please use the inquiry form below to contact us about this system. One of our representatives will get back to you.

Application for Designation, and Certification

* The regulations are currently being revised so contact us via the inquiry form below for further details.

There are two types of designation.

  1. Certified HU startup company * There are separate conditions for this certification.
  2. 2HU startup company

Application Requirements

  1. Companies to which any of the following requirements apply are eligible to apply for designation as a certified HU startup company.

    (1) A company that was established using intellectual property rights owned by HU, or by HU teaching staff, administrative staff or students (Intellectual property rights as stipulated in Article 3 Paragraph 2 of the National University Corporation Hokkaido University Institute for the Promotion of Industry, University, and Regional Cooperation Regulations (HU Doc. No. 33, 2015). The same applies to Paragraph 4 below.)
    (2) A company that was established using research findings obtained at HU or technologies etc. acquired at HU
    (3) A company that has conducted joint research with HU to commercialize the technology that it possesses within five years of the date of its establishment
    (4) A company that has received a technology transfer or tangible research and development results from HU during a period of five years from the date of its establishment in order to maintain or develop its existing business

  2. Companies to which any of the following requirements apply are eligible to apply for designation as an HU startup company.

    (1) A company that was established with HU teaching and administrative staff or students as its founders, or as persons equivalent to board members or the like, and at which the said teaching and administrative staff or students are currently employed
    (2) A company that was established with retired HU teaching and administrative staff or students who have graduated from or completed their course at HU as its founders, or as persons equivalent to board members or the like, within a period of one year from the date of their resignation, graduation or completion of their course, and at which the said retired teaching and administrative staff etc. are currently employed (Only if the retired teaching and administrative staff had not taken up other employment prior to the date of the company’s establishment.)
    (3) A company established with support from HU such as investment or the loan of facilities
    (4) A company that utilizes intellectual property rights owned by HU, or by HU teaching staff, administrative staff or students

Companies that wish to apply should use the inquiry form below to contact us. One of our representatives will get back to you.

Inquiry Form